Welcome, I knew you would find me, You're HERE on and for a purpose :) You know in your heart that there's more inside of you and the time has come to bring all of your greatness to the table. As leaders, we have a responsibility to continually develop our leadership and self-leadership skills and gifts so we can serve as healthy, courageous & influential leaders in our homes, careers, and community. This world needs us more than ever to show up, serve, and lead in these uncertain times. I'm Siv Priscilla and I'd love for you to join me as I share experiences, truths, and reflections that'll inspire your personal growth. Take a seat at the table as we explore the secrets of inspiring leaders who challenge us to rise higher. Subscribe to this secret hiding place for inspiration, rejuvenation, and growth. Don't miss out, subscribe right now and always be the first to hear the Confessions of a Leader. Enjoy your day | Nyt dagen, Siv Priscilla
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
#6 | The secret to rising above the crowd during crisis
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
There is no reason to put your life, career, or leadership on pause during the pandemic. Even though it can take the fire and focus away from the best of us it doesn't have to get the best of us.
We can both thrive and grow during uncertainty and in this episode, I teach you my method of going forward instead of getting stuck among the murmuring crowd.
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
#5 | Why having a cause matters and how to find one
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
The last of my three content pillars; Cause or calling if you will.
I share my journey to discovering my cause and talk about why it matters.
I'd love to hear from you and hear about what's going on in your life that you would benefit from hearing about on future episodes.
Email me at hello@sivpriscilla.com and connect with me on LinkedIn where you'll find me under Siv Priscilla or just click on this link ;)
Hey, and add a message so I know why you are connecting :)
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
#4 | How connection is the body of success
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Hang out with me as I share about the impact of being connected to yourself and others, and how it can lead to success. I spill the beans on one of my greatest achievements and give you a self-tested tool to overcome self-doubt and grow your courage.
Join me ;)
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
In this episode, I share with you the first content pillar of this podcast.
Consciousness is a mindset skill we need to exercise to develop. Becoming aware of how we show up as our best in this world and being mindful about it can change the way we live and work.
This is a good place to start if you know there's something you should be doing that you keep pushing off ;)
Here's a link to the free survey I refer to in today's episode.
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
#1 | Introducing Confessions of a Leader
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
A weekly podcast about leadership and self-leadership and how to become a healthy, courageous, and influential leader people want to follow.
Join me in developing a new leadership legacy of leaders in the home, workplace, and society who impact the way we live and do business in an uncertain world.
Subscribe, listen, and then review on iTunes so we can get inspiring guests and influential leaders on the show to share their secrets and help spur our growth!